Face Your Beauty


Your skin is your personal diary. It can tell a lot about how you’re living. It shows whether you’re in balance or stressed, how much exercise you’re getting, how much you’re sleeping, what you eat and which cosmetics you use. It is a map of your emotions and your most intimate connection to the world that surrounds you. It’s a fine line in which you feel beauty when external and internal elements are  working in harmony with one another. But it can be a delicate balance.

In my twenties, my career as a marketing professional for a major international company took me around the globe. Those journeys fed my imagination, but over time they also strained my body. Constantly jet lagged and dehydrated from air travel, I struggled with sensitive skin. Eventually, I found myself using a range of expensive skin care products every day. I shudder now to think of all the chemicals I was putting into my body!

In pursuit of a healthier and more conscious life, I began to look for natural alternatives. My aim was to find non-toxic products that would be as simple as they would be effective for sensitive, 30+ skin. I turned to nature, the most accomplished creator of beauty that provides us with all the means to preserve and nourish it.

During my research of organic and natural products, I discovered an exciting new world. I left my job and began to deepen my knowledge of herbology and natural cosmetics at the Natural Healing Institute in California. I decided that the best way to know exactly which ingredients go into my skincare products was to make them myself.

Today I am proud to have accomplished a line of handcrafted responsible skincare products that honours the earth and loves you.